
Sunday, 27 November 2011


Someone told me that I needed to write. However I have no idea what to write about. When someone’s pushed to make a decision they tend to procrastinate as much as they can. Is it fear? Is it just sheer old laziness? Not sure. In my case it is the fear! Fear of failure, fear of not being able to be as exceptional as I push myself to be. Why is that? Not sure. Man has always been very judgmental towards one another and one’s feeble attempts to pursue their dreams. Should we be really afraid of reaching for our dreams? What happens to those that think they have no talent? Are they doomed to living a mere anonymous life, as if they’re robots and just work, drink, have sex and sleep? Not saying that there’s something wrong with being anonymous, for most of us being anonymous is a blessing in disguise since we do not like having others gazing at our personal lives.
Back to the point: On one hand fear is what causes some to not even attempt to fulfill their dreams on the other hand it is fear that makes others have a go at it. Fear might make some grounded but can also petrify others with the thought of failing causing them not to get on with their lives and just watch it passing by through the years. Those become mere spectators of their own lives thus regretting the things they didn’t do when approaching the near end of such lives. The “ifs” become a constant, “if only I had done that”, “if only I have tried to”, and so on. Those are things we should all be aware, that is what expects us in the end. Personally I’ve been a spectator of my own life for several years, just being afraid of trying, afraid of failing, afraid of being judged. I have my own amounts of “if” questions. However is never too late to try and fulfill our dreams. One should only regret things they did yet should face them as parts of growing up and learning. Mistakes exist so we can better ourselves. So this is my attempt at living my life, doing something I enjoy doing, even if I completely think the outcome is complete and utter rubbish. Still trying to decide what I should write about… I like so many different things but so scared of attempting to write something about them. I’m not the best story teller in the world, probably one of the worst ones but hopefully one day I can be able to tell a great story that is appreciated by people and most particularly by me!

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