
Sunday, 27 November 2011

Can one stay friends with someone they love?

Is it really possible to stay friends with someone you love? Can one really handle to know that the person they love no longer feels the same for them and is in love with someone else? That pain in the heart, like there's a hole in it, does it really go away? I don't know about you guys but it is sooooo hard to just be friends with someone you love. Being with that person and not be able to kiss him/her, listening to them talking about their new loved one... That hurts so much that sometimes it would be better if they didn't want to remain friends. I mean... You might really love someone so much at the point you just want them to be happy even if not with you. However don't tell me it doesn't hurt because it does. Our happiness is also important, we also deserve to be happy. The easy way is really not to stay in touch, however some of us aren't that strong. I'm not. For me it is better to stay friends than never seeing that person ever again.

 Maybe with time it gets easier to live with the fact that the relationship will never be more than friendship, I believe that to be true. Nevertheless we always have those weak moments where we remember the good happy days and realize we'll never have them, not with that person.. Why are the matters of the heart so complicated? Why is it always pain, either before or after the relationship? Sadly the expression no pain no gain has some truth to it. Anyway some of us might be a bit masochists since staying friends right after a break up is hard (for the one that is still in love). Don't worry my friends, things get better, they have to. I don't believe that God would want us to suffer.

Maybe the right person is still to come; maybe our soul mate is still out there. These words are just a quick pain relief from the reality that we are alone, with a void in our hearts. Maybe questioning why we're still alone, if we are the problem, what we could do to change... And so on. From personal experience I know that questioning will drive us mad, but some of us cannot stop questioning... I envy those that move on so easily, I don't mean they didn't feel love but for them it is somewhat easier to move on and just take the good out of all of it. The happy moments might have been a few but we should at least give credit that we had happy moments. Maybe they weren't as long as we wish them to be but they were, nevertheless, happy moments.
So is it possible to remains friends with someone you love? Well it all depends on the person and how the breakup went but I honestly think we can remain friends, maybe not as soon as wished but in the near end I think it is possible. If you love someone, even if they don’t feel the same for you, you will want them to be happy. Let's cherish the happy moments we spent with that person and hope for the best. Our time will come.

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