
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Love: Friend Or Foe?

And here we are in February! What does this mean? Valentine’s Day! As usual I’ve been thinking a lot on things (This is what I get for having too much free time on my hands).
Valentine’s Day is the day we celebrate our love towards our better half. It is a day where most people are happy for having someone to share their love. But what about those that don’t have love in their lives at this particular date? I dedicate this column to all of those that cannot bear the thought of Valentine’s Day and are tired of watching others publicly expressing their love. Come on, I am a hopeless romantic but I completely understand that some people strongly dislike this day, not because of what it represents but because it reminds them what they don’t have.
So first things first:

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Open Relationships: Lack Of Love Or Selflessness?

Throughout the centuries the core of relationships has remained pretty much the same: a loving commitment between two individuals who promised to love each other and share their lives till their deaths (this is the most romanticized version of relationships, I know).
If we go back in time, a loving relationship was only shared, publicly, between a man and a woman and when they got married the wife became the husband’s property. We can also discuss the arranged marriages which main purpose was to economically or politically benefit the families, but I am focusing on loving relationships between 2 individuals. Nowadays we see all different types of relationships: straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, etc. They might look different on a first glance but if there’s love the roots remain the same: loving one another so much they need to be together and vow to forever be together.
However a new type of relationships has become more “popular” over the past years: Open relationships. We have been hearing more about this, either portrayed on film or even among some of our friends. But how can we describe them?