
Friday, 16 December 2011

Sometimes our heart plays with our mind and makes us suddenly feel sad...
Why is that?

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Love or Lust At First Sight?

I’ve been thinking a whole lot these past days and one thing that really made me wonder was the “myth” of love at first sight. I would like to know who came up with that notion of falling in love at first sight. I mean the idea sounds lovely but let’s not fool ourselves, love at first sight is a myth. One can at the very least get infatuated at first sight. Come on love, LOVE is more than a first connection. Now lust is a totally different subject.

Lust at first sight I truly believe it exists. Come on, the human being is another animal in this planet. As an animal Man (and by saying man with capital M I mean mankind) has physical urges that are taken care of via sexual relations. Lust… lust is truly something that can happen at first sight anywhere you may be. It might be on the street, gym, etc, basically you are drawn to a person (let me say a man as an example) and your body responds to him just with one glance. You see a guy with a great body and cute face and the little head downstairs is telling you “I want that please”! And it can be also something simpler, maybe the eyes of someone is what tickles your fancy, but it all comes down to lust. Lust can exist without love but we can’t say the opposite (okay there might be love without lust but I am talking about the LOVE for someone that you can’t seem to be apart for too long and also that you can’t get enough of in the bedroom).

How can someone believe that love can arise from a first glance? I want to know that person’s definition of love. To me love is enjoying a person’s appearance, intellect, company, basically feeling that someone completes you in all ways both sexually and emotionally. And we can’t love someone that we haven’t even held a conversation before. How can you love someone you never met and never talked to? I am 100% a romantic guy and would love to fall in love at first sight. It would be so easy.  But no, life’s not easy, there’s no challenge in that. Loving involves a whole process that can take weeks, months, and maybe years to truly reach LOVE. Before all that we start a journey getting to know that person both physically and intellectually. In this getting to know process we have lust and passion, but not LOVE.

So let’s leave love at first sight for fairy tales, shall we?